In The News
When Tom Met Sally

Black Ink with CAB® (March 2017). Cattle are the focus of ranch stops but it's often the people who pull me in.
That's not to say I didn't stand atop a hill overlooking these beautiful Angus cattle and wonder, just for a second, how anyone could spend their days with anything else. But it's still the people, each full of stories about their cattle, that send me home with a happy heart.
"I think because Tom's family had the cattle there, that's why I got through college," Sally Donati says.
For the complete article, click here.
The Road Less traveled
Angus Beef Bulletin (March 2017). Plans, no matter how intentional, can only take you so far. Throw cattle into the mix, and keeping them on track becomes more of a welcome surprise than an expected end point.
Sally Donati knows this well. She's had bags packed, even Thanksgiving turkeys in the oven, when the cows called.
"Everybody took vacations," she says with longing. Their November holiday, however, was in sync with husband Tom's artifcial insemination (AI) program for the herd. "That was always interesting! It got to the point where my dad was cooking the turkey down at my sister's house and bringing it with him." That was 25 years ago, and the AI schedule's since shifted. Tom cooks the turkey now.
For the complete article, click here.
Donati cattle excel in AAA On-Target "30.06" program

A set of Donati Ranch calves fed at Chappell Feedlot were recognized in the American Angus Association's On-Target "30.06 program. On-Target "30.06" honors feedlot partners that have harvested qualifying groups of cattle with at least a 30 percent Prime or Certified Angus Beef® (CAB®) brand acceptance rate with an allowance for 3 percent Yield Grade (YG) 4s, and 3 percent of the carcasses weighing more than 975 pounds (lb). Sorting by the feedlot is encouraged to bring out the best in each animal, and the minimum lot size is 10 head.
To read an article from the Angus Journal (April 2013) that features Tom Donati and Chappell Feedlot manager Tom Williams, click here.
Daniel "Rocky" and Lisa Donati 'Teamwork spells success for this young family'
AgAlert (March 13, 2013). For Daniel "Rocky" Donati, each year in farming and ranching is a chance to build upon the previous years' decisions and improve on both income and outcome.
Donati, past president of the Butte County Farm Bureau, and his wife Lisa currently farm rice and run commercial cow-calf and registered Angus cattle herds. Together with his parents' rice operation, Donati manages a total of 600 acres of rice...
For the complete article, click here.
Young agriculturalists win awards from Farm Bureau

AgAlert (Dec. 12, 2012). A Butte County farming family and a University of California dairy and plant science specialist from Glenn County will represent the state in a national recognition program for young farmers and ranchers, after earning awards at the 94th California Farm Bureau Federation Annual Meeting in Pasadena.
Lisa and Daniel "Rocky" Donati of Gridley earned the California Young Farmers and Ranchers Achievement Award for their diversified rice and cattle operation...
For the complete article, click here.
Donati Ranch recognized as 2006 CBCIA Outstanding Seedtock Producer of the Year
The CBCIA Outstanding Seedstock and Commercial Producer of the Year Awards recognize progressive beef cattle breeders who use practical, scientifically accepted selection and management methods and integrate them into successful ranching operations. Examples include, but are not limited to, genetic and breeding strategies for traits of economic importance, feed development and utilization, nutritional management and marketing based on objective measurement of performance. Awardees will be honored at appropriate CCA and CBCIA sponsored events and are eligible to be nominated (by CBCIA) for the national Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) awards.
Donati Ranch was recognized by the California Beef Cattle Improvement Asssocation as Outstanding Seedstock Producers of the Year in 2006.